Lyric discussion by featherpaperweight 

I have the same attitude about pills. Having suffered mental illness in the past. I could have just gone on drugs, however something in my soul told me to do it my way, without them (I still experimented with other substances in my own way though, in a helpful precautious fashion) It worked. However, there really is no need to bash taking pills. People take medication for reasons, and it is not really as simple as 'pills are good' or 'pills are bad'..or you are weak if you are on meds. However, there is the interesting point that they really ideally are more helpful as a temporary fix...there can be disastrous events or just unpreferable chemical activity one is experiencing...and pragmatically...

But yes...the 'one day at a time' approach works for me personally...I think....I mean .. I am still alive? I think that says a LOT...

For other albums like this check out:

Beach Boys: Pet Sounds


'Today' which was there other good one.

If you want hipster cred get Beach Boys 'Smiley Smile' on record. It almost identical to this. The first time I heard Panda Bear I honestly couldn't believe it wasn't Brian Wilson. I hope his next record is similar to this style.

I think the lyrics slightly say something along those lines. "Not that it's bad". Pills can really help, but sometimes it's just a mind over matter thing. Being dependent on pills for your sanity is kind of a depressing thought. It'd be nicer if you could just get rid of what's bothering you by force of will, by taking it one day at a time.

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