Lyric discussion by 4Lanie 

I agree with saabio, he is probably speaking of a woman. Maybe an ex. I have thought that since the first day I heard it back when I was a child even. Just makes more sense to me. I never even entertained the idea that it could be one of his old buddies until I stumbled onto this site!! I'm not saying it couldnt be a buddy cause as he said in an interview, it is about several people, not just one, but I guess I will just always picture his old flame in the song. Maybe the reason saabio and I both think of the subject as a woman is because we are both female. Who knows!?!! I also, like crawlspace above, do not get the feeling that he thinks negatively about this person. While I do not think it literally has to do with gambling(that's just a metaphor), I can see him as crawlspace said, just walking away shaking his head with a grin. Anyway, great timeless song. As are ALL of Seger's songs.

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