Lyric discussion by jdaniels_11 

Best song on the new album. Hands down. Simply breathtaking.

I'm glad someone else agrees with me. Everyone seems to be going on about You Found Me, but I think this song is miles better.

I could not agree more. This is the type of song with so much emotion that it is nearly impossible to get tired of it too quickly. You Found Me was nice the first few times I heard it, but then I realized it was pretty generic. No staying power. This is really a great song. I also like We Build Then We Break. A very different sound than we're used to out of the Fray, but a great listen nonetheless.

I can't get enough of Say When, though. Glad you agree as well.

I agree, it gets to me every time. I'm liking the whold CD, but this one has definitely stood out for me.

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