Lyric discussion by DirgeForNovember 

Cover art for Patterns In The Ivy (Part 2) lyrics by Opeth

Well, this is my first post, and this is what this songs (PITI I and PITI II) brings to my imagination: Have you ever visited an abandoned graveyard?. With Patterns In The Ivy i've always thought about the process of the graveyard being abandoned, the nature taking over the place, the seasons passing by, some headstones broken or covered by plants ("Ivy"). Patterns In The Ivy II are, in my opinion, the thoughts of the ones who were in the graves (if they could see what had happened to them), how they see that their only companion is the nature, the ivy, something that eventually will destroy their last remains. It put in words the cycle of existence how once we're vanished and no longer exist our place will be filled with new life.

My Interpretation

This seems apt, and very clever.

My Interpretation