Lyric discussion by kerberoszero 

This is my favourite LaliPuna song, i've been thinking a lot about my past, about a relationship that gone bad and i found this song suits me very well:

"When we turn turn to what we’ve done before"

She may generalizes (we - all) or maybe she's talking about a past relationship that gone bad (we - couple)

"The time moves on. Survive without a point of view"

When you think about the past, you're wasting time and energies, the time moves on, the days pass by but you can't make sense anyway, because you're not sharing points of view. You're arguing with yourself, but you lack in widespread vision. You can't solve your problem unless you're not moving forward, you simply survive blindly.

"Slump Down"

(we) slump down, because the past is the past, and you can't change your past. You can't find a sense, or if you find it, probably it's not useful anymore. Or it is painful.

"We’ve been let down. Equally"

And maybe you eventually come to the conclusion that the other person has been deceived, let down, hurt the same way by you. Or maybe we all have been deceived by time, because things just didn't turn out well due to a set of unfortunate events. When the anger fades and the time passes, you come to that conclusion eventually.

I'm left-handed. some people finds this fact as weird, but to me it's totally natural. Maybe it's only a fact of points of views, maybe the song talks about this.

What do you think?

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