Lyric discussion by aragond 

+1 to jambalaya-ham. It sounds very Batman: "For now we stand alone" = Batman, the last hope against the turmoil "Does it make you happy you're so strange?" = obvious; he IS "Is it bright where you are?" = Is it nice up there in the tower from which you judge the rest of us? "The last of a line of lasts" = a last in a line of heroes "The pale princess of a palace cracked" = I think, yes, referring to Freeze's wife

Regardless what this song is about, Corgan can write some bl00dy blisteringly-good lyrics.

Silent Thriller noted that "This could possibly be an apocalyptic view of the planet." and I agree, it does fit that, too, which is why I reckon it fits the more apocalyptic "Watchmen" than the rather dismal "B&R" movie.

+1 to myenemyisnear: "I wanted to stand up and cheer when Nite Owl descended from his craft and hit the street."

TOO RIGHT!! So much did I, as well as when Doctor Manhatten appears god-like amidst the crowd. If this movie sux, I will repeatedly slap them that made it.

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