Lyric discussion by gab02882 

i dont think its about breaking up at all. this is clearly about a guy she knew that was a good friend that she was in love with.

first verse: "roll over baby/the time has come/to make a little bit more room/i’ve hung around you" shes saying how she was always with him, always around and always the friend, and he never "made more room" for them to become more than friends... "its getting tough/i think im gonna break down soon" she cant stand it anymore, she needs to have him as more than her friend. also, she feels that everything else in her life is "getting tough" as well, which leads into the next line, "i remember crying in the park/it was getting dark" shes crying over him, over her "dark" life. "suddenly i looked up/you were my sky" when she thought things couldnt get any worse, he was there to rescue her, she finally thought he recognized her as a lover and not just a friend.

then the chorus: "so go on and sleep darling/why dont you pretend we were just a dream/it's cool baby/doesnt matter anyway" she realizes he ISNT thinking of her as more of a friend... basically saying go back to sleep, go back to the way things were... then sarcastically saying to pretend all her feelings and friendship meant nothing. "im so sorry/got to the station a little too late/such a shame/just missed the train" shes "sorry" she wasnt enough to be his lover, she just missed the train and the qualifications of being his girlfriend.

second verse: "be quite anglel/dont make a sound/save it for a rainy day/" she doesnt want to hear anymore about he values her so much as a friend, the sting of it might kill her. "oh cant you see me/im such a mess/trying hard to find my way" he cant see how much he has hurt her by doing nothing and not loving her how she loves him. "you remember wasting all the time/we were feeling fine/we couldnt walk the line/we were alright" shes referring to when things were simpler between them, when their friendship was easy and she didnt have to worry about "walking the line" between friends and lovers, and they were alright.

last verse: "why'd that train just pass us by/didnt anyone see we were so damn in love/and we would've made it on time" shes wondering if she was the only one who saw a potential love and relationship there, wondering how he or no one else ever saw it, and wondering how and why they never made it on the "train" of being in love.

thats my interpretation of it anyway. love this song =]

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