Lyric discussion by bubbokat 

as much as i enjoy the alluring deglorification of sex in this song, i don't think it is necessarily centered around sexual relations. the song is about the sobering contrast between dream and reality and the truth that there are many things in life that we are not prepared to deal with, such as a father's death or comprehending a new lover.

the song can be segmented into three portions. the first couple of verses describe the all-obliging women of the singer's dreams. they do what he needs them to do whenever he needs them to, no matter the fury of the skies. to me, because the women say 'don't harm him' before he awakes shows that they represent general fantasy more than what ladies otherwise would represent in a man's dreams.

the second portion of the song immediately jumps into the harshness of reality, a dying father. the silence of the characters is their inability to deal with actuality. they are so baffled as to what to do, they rely on sex to provide, which it does as a bridge to sleep. "waves upon a sea too far to reach," has two meanings to me: the unobtainable perfection of the dream-state and the gap of unknown that he perceives between himself and his lover.

in the third segment, the singer finally realizes that he needs to face reality and does so by resolving to explore the unfamiliar land that is his new lover. after waking up from a night of sweet dreaming, he insists on trying again.

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