Lyric discussion by AweSam 

Beautiful song.

To me it's about a murderer who has escaped from prison. He believes he is a changed man and is truly sorry for what he has done yet no one gave him a second chance. He tries to move on with his life, "but everything just bleeds". His actions keep catching up with him even though he tries to start a new life.

"If they catch me ever, they'll throw me back forever" and "got to keep this together, maybe next time is never" are the lines that really enforce this to me. He's on the run and always looking over his shoulder.

He doesn't want to dwell on the past, "I guess I should be ashamed, but I forget to be vain" and wants people to see that he is trying to start a new life but still, no one is giving him a chance, "and no one is impressed". This is why he is "sad and lonely".

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