Lyric discussion by jallton56 

to me this song has alt of meaning they sound satanic but there not i believe that this song endzeit (end days) has to do with more of tha end times stated in revaltions like how we are tha final resistance and that we have to try to stand up to tha devil in his rein of darkness over tha earth and that its a statment showin how his rein of so called terror will only last for so long , due to gos return cause tha band seems anti chrish but there not there name seems offensive but its not meant to be like there "heaven shall burn" is refferred to people false interpretation of "heaven" and that that false interpretation should burn that we should open our eyes and see things for what they truely are to find tha real meaning of "heaven" so i think that this so called "death metl, anti-god band" isn't evil at all and that its a way for them to try to reach to those who aren;t "believers" in god

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