Lyric discussion by EnjoyY0urDay 

I don't think this song is about God at all. I think the reference may have been briefly to describe clarity on the narrator's part... you can tell the narrator is frustrated and needed to let out pent up feelings from "years and years". In terms of my interpretation, I think (for the majority of the song) the person is singing to their ex who may be trying to come back into their life. The relationship or breakup may have been damaging and they're confronting their ex and their problems: "I've been calling for years and years and years and years And you never left me no messages You never send me no letters You've got some kind of nerve Taking all I'm worth"

Additionally, in another recent interview Isaac Slade declared that: "I kept getting these phone calls from home - tragedy after tragedy... If there is some kind of person in charge of this planet - are they sleeping? Smoking? Where are they? I just imagined running into God standing on a street corner like Bruce Springsteen, smoking a cigarette, and I'd have it out with him.".[5]

As well as him mentioning God in the song.. it is about a higher being and the faith he wants to keep.

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