Lyric discussion by SeikaNoNeisan 

Right right right.

Loads of madness arguements and random crap on here so lemme clear a few things up.

One Cell Organism is supposed to be about Propagandhi. Thus why G7 did a podcast called "You're so vain you probably think this show is about you" when Fat Wreck sent them a copy of the song through the mail. They make a point of it, playing the song the show title is from when talking about it and Derek choosing a few lines he likes out of it.

The song is about the way that punk has become part of the "machine" that is the music industry, the very thing it is supposed to be against it has emulated in many ways and yeah, they use Fat Wreck and the Warped Tour as examples of this. Good examples too because of the way Fat Wreck has gone now. Epitaph has sunk too.

The whole argueing between NOFX and Propagandhi is a big joke really, they're all old friends. Fat Mike was the one that helped with the money to set up G7. He basically let them keep all of the money from their album sales so they could set it up.

Fat Wreck does not RELEASE Propagandhi albums, they handle distribution in the US because G7 is a Canadian record label run by Chris and Derek. They're a small record label really. Since Derek once described them to me as "2 guys, a girl and a couple of cats" if I remember rightly. The staff have changed since then. They do all the recording, pressing and releasing. Well, I think they use a company to do the pressing. I remember them having problems with vinyls where the company that made them had printed the songs in the wrong order.

Also, the reasoning behind the title is to do with the Rock Against Bush compilation. Propagandhi disagree with the compilation not only because of it, in a way, endorsing Kerry at the time. Propgandhi were originally going to put their song "Bullshit Politicians" on there, renamed if I remember rightly, and in the linear notes for that song it says "Fuck George Soros" at the end of it. Fat Mike asked them to take that line out of the linear notes because George Soros was one of the people funding the whole Rock Against Bush campaign and they refused to. Therefore Fat Mike said they couldn't be on Volume 1, offered them a spot on Volume 2 and they declined. Google George Soros if you don't know who he is. He is Grade A asshole material and not someone I'd want funding me if I was trying to put out a decent political message.

Oh god, now I must seem like a stalk Chris and Derek.

I don't.

I just stalk Chris. LoL.

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