Lyric discussion by thriggle 

Chimcham: "I will absolutely guarantee you this song had nothing to do with the 2008 election"

I agree. Although I didn't realize it was written during the 2004 election (and the first entry doesn't give a date for the election in the text of the post, though I should have noticed the date it was posted), I was in fact providing a counter-example to those who I thought were interpreting the song in the context of the 2008 election. (Me: "This is the line that really messes with the 2008 scenario" and "you might want to think twice before permanently tying it to the 2008 presidential election") Although I'm embarrassed for missing the posting dates in the first several posts, I feel in a way justified to discover that the song continues to stand on its own when removed from its specific temporal context (and does not in fact have to do with the 2008 elections).

If you read my post as claiming that the song was about the 2008 election, then I'm afraid we've had a gross misunderstanding.

Like I said before (and for which I apparently received a negative rating), it's a good song; I hate to see its interpretation overly laden with partisanship...especially considering the vitriol with which some persons discuss current politics.


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