Lyric discussion by withnails 

It's based around the character development of Humphry Bogart and co ithe classic Treasure Of Sierra Madre film from the 1940s. "I'm standing alone, I'm watching you all.." Bogart and his friends go gold prospecting in the mountains and slowly greed turns him insane and jealous. If you think about it on another level it's also Brown commenting on the band's slow and rocky rise to fame. In hindsight it's his greatest set of lyrics ever as it really shows what happened to the Roses. The greed of manager Gareth Evans and the drugs and fall-outs which destroyed the band. He wrote it before his fallout with Squire but now it just speaks volumes about Squire. Incidentally it's the greatest single of all time, almost 20 years after I first heard it still. hit it right on Brown could see what was coming & put it into a great dance/rock/pop song...arguably their best

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