Lyric discussion by dcba 

Cover art for Into The Mystic lyrics by Van Morrison

Mystic River, River Misty, Mists, Ocean, Love, Life, Death...

its about all of the above, none of the above. that's (IMHO) how songwriting works... something is a trigger, one image becomes another, a feeling, a sense of a distant memory... lost in time and mist.

that's the mystic. we go there in many ways, and at many times. for me, the surface imagery, the scene that i go to when i hear this song, is definitely on a tiny boat floating along, bobbing along on calm waters, through a white mist that makes any notion of where we are, where we came from, or where we're going fairly irrelevant. thankfully irrelevant.

but behind that scene is definitely the slow journey of life itself, as we head off into the unknowable white horizon of... the mystic.

what is remarkable about this telling of that tale is the calm confidence with which Van Morrison takes us along on this peaceful voyage to the unknowable, infinite beyond.

My Opinion