Lyric discussion by JasonBelieveMe 

I'm going to agree with mtamney here.

In an Animal in Your Care, Spencer also talks about what a girl would do at his funeral... and also suggests that she wouldn't care. I think it's the same thing here... To me, it's pretty clear that it's his funeral because it's "I had a rose petal bed/I had the sun on my shoes" which gives a pretty clear image on him lying in a coffin. And when he "knew" and "could see" that she wouldn't give the other one to him that just meant that even at his funeral, she wasn't there.

I'm also agreeing with Heraclea that God is the conductor, but I don't think Spencer's saying that he will forgive god, but more like it's not either of their fault because the conductor, God, fucked up. He doesn't really seem mad at her for "doing something else" instead of going to his funeral, just sad that she doesn't care. He won't blame her for not caring if she doesn't blame him for dying.

the one line i'm not entirely clear about is the helicopter one. Is he talking about publicity? I don't really know.

But it's a Spencer song, so we'll never REALLY know, will we?

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