Lyric discussion by AlecsPen 

I love the idea of the relying too heavily on technology to communicate, but I NEVER thought that was what it was about.

I thought it was about a relationship that just ended over time. And the other person just forgets you, or ignores you, and it annoys you.

"i remember golden days when all this was a mystery and you could write a letter then or god forbid come visit me"

signifying that perhaps after the break up, they decided to be friends. however, now they won't even talk to you or come over, for something is in the way. ( a new relationship? )

And the listerine was about how they, at one time, lived together, and they left their listerine at your house. And your tellin them to take it back. I know that seems kind of out there, butit just makes sense to me.

**i probably coulve explained this better.

I remember someone once claiming that Halitosis was an illness effectively made up by Listerine's advertising campaigns way back when. If you think about, simply brushing one's teeth ought to be enough.

Perhaps it isn't so necessary after all.

Maybe we should all just get off our computers and form proper relationships?

(Not that that's gonna happen of course, I'm just saying...)

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