Lyric discussion by bladesofnoir 

I find it ironic that the 1st posters name references the main under current of this song but he/she doesn't see it.. remember that most of Live's songs have religious undertones and therefor easier to understand if you look there first..

Everybody has a ghost Everybody has a ghost who sings like you do Yours is not like mine But it's alright, keep it up

he's being "religiously politically correct" by saying ghost instead of the more negative term and that we all have them but it's ok.

Boy loses rib in New Orleans He can't help eyein' up the whores Under the bridge Boy loses rib and lets a hellified cry into the dark Where did I go wrong?

man (in the garden of Eden) was to be the head of the woman (power) but the boy lost this "power" (rib) to woman as he gave into her sexually, and lets a "hellified" cry into the dark wondering where he went wrong because he didn't realize he was being lead (tempted) by his "ghost".

Where did I go wrong? I never needed this before I need a woman to help me feel

boy is confused because he is now addicted to sex but not sure how he got that way not realizing the "ghost" inside him is now what controls him.

Everybody has the dream Everybody has the dream, like a world tattoo Yours is not like mine It's alright, keep it up

everybody has a belief, believe in some sort of "God" but even if yours is different that's ok.

The scalpel dives into the skin Good doctors never leave a scar No proof again I'll take the myth, you take the blood It's all the same to the world dreamer It's all the same in the end

problem is not physical "scientifically proven" even though docters would try to free those tormented by their "ghost".. he would rather believe it's a spiritual problem (myth) as opposed to physical (blood) but either way the result is still the same.. he has a "ghost".. we all do.

Boy loses rib in New Orleans He trades some ether for a chance Under the bridge

trades drugs for sex which shows how powerful his particular ghost (sexual addiction) is as ether is very high grade cocain and SHOULD be even more addictive.

Boy loses rib as he's summoned to the mud Flat on his back Cryin' where did I go wrong?

Again the boy gives into the woman on his back still crying in desparation/confusion as to how he got so addicted.. but who summoned him?..

Great explanation! Seems to make the most sense to me, brilliant!

I think this song narrates the way a boy becomes a Man, by 'losing his rib' or his virginity, and the sudden sexual desire for a woman.

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