Lyric discussion by John Koutris 

While I think the lyrics are pretty weak (very amateur for Axl's standards, who is one of rock's best lyricists), I think the emotion in this song is strong, even if it is on the melodramatic side. When I first heard the song, I pictured Axl at his piano in his secluded mansion at midnight, playing this song alone to himself in the dark, in some Phantom of the Opera-esque scenario. That really is what it sounds like.

Nevertheless, the melodies are there, so I listen and somewhat enjoy.

Very clearly seems to be about Stephanie Seymour. It was written in 1993, right after their breakup. It's Axl, almost in denial, saying "she left me, but I know she still loves me, so if she hears this song, she'll know I want her back and I still love her."

I absolutly agree with the points you make about the song. When I heard it the first time I imagined Axl playing alone and drinking heavily to the lose of his girl. I also that the lyrics were weak but when the song is being played it touches your emotions. He love her so much that he felt lost without seymour.

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