Lyric discussion by Bella_Is_Dirty 

When all this actual life played out Where the hell on Earth was I?

Kinda hits close to home for me. Sometimes when I look at old photographs or read old letters I tend to think " where was I really when all of this was happening...Where was my head? What was I doing? Why wasn't I here doing this? Stopping this from happening, Stopping him/her/them from leaving. Why didn't I tell them I loved them."

Snow Patrol has some awesome songs with awesome lyrics. I personally think this song is about remembering times gone by and the people that you spent these times with (looking through photographs, reading letters) and just wondering why things changed and where were you when everything was changing. Like looking back at yourself and seeing that your head wasn't really with it at the time.

Don't know if this makes sense or not,, Feels like I have just been rambling but oh well.

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