Lyric discussion by CabinCaz 

My general thesis:

Drake is exploring his emotional state as he is suspended in a constant state of flux - Feeling depressed, but unable to escape his dark fate.

"If you know the way to blue?" - In this context blue seems to represent the sky, being a place often thought of as beautiful and free.

The reference to the sun -"Have you never heard a way to find the sun" indicates a will to escape, but realising that avoiding his dark fate is impossible. The rhetorical has a hint of tragic hint of sarcasm, again this shows the useless-ness he feels.

"Can you understand a light among the trees" - This line always makes me picture a dark, crowded forrest, with just a small beam of light piercing the canopy of the trees. In this light, small trees find a source of life. Relating a naturual experience for survival to this story, gives the character (whoever it may be) a will to live.

discuss more?

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