Lyric discussion by toolenduso 

No, I'm looking at the lyric booklet right now. It says "fires torpedoes" at the end, not "fired". And it is "I don't want my mom to die".

As to the meaning, the matador thing makes sense, but how do torpedoes fit into that (but on the other hand, wtf's a boo boo?).

I almost thought it sounded like a video game character. I can just see the gamer sitting in his chair, going, "What the hell, it fires torpedoes!"

I don't know about the torpedoes, but "boo boo" is a term of endearment.

"Fire Torpedoes" is a metaphor for the bull taking off at full speed. The gates open and the bull takes full charge, in a similar sense to the way one would fire off a Torpedo

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