Lyric discussion by zekenzoey 

holy crap . . I have just recently discovered Nick Cave and well suffice to say my mind has been blown . . .where the hell have I been, under a rock . . I can not believe all the amazing songs the Bad Seeds have put together. It is almost sensory overload . . . I would be curious as to what you thought about his song "Do You Love Me" . . .I don't understand what is in his psyche that makes him write the darkest songs imaginable and yet also the tenderest love songs ever penned. Amazing! (sometimes at the same time)

Don't be so hard on yourself. If you live in the US, Nick and his Bad Seeds have gone mostly unheralded her since the 80's. They're not a band your average person is bumping in their car, to be sure. Better late than never, as it give you time to soak it all up at once.

I have a little blurb on Do You Love Me part 2, but i never took a stab at part 1. I think I'll go do that right now.

Just had an after thought. Your question about the writing of dark and light, both so convincingly, is best answered by Nick himself. For this, i strongly suggest (for many reasons) trying to get a hold of his lecture album "The Secret Life of the Love Song/ The Flesh Made Word"

Two separate lectures...the first one (featuring some simplistic and fantastic versions of some wonderful songs....namely sad waters)discusses the writing of love songs. Nick breaks down his philosophy on the matter and sheds a lot of interesting insight into his writing.

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