Lyric discussion by hannahjordan 

The carosel theory is so cool. What's been bothering me is the soapy heels part. I think that image is crazy creative, but she's referring to a guy. Think about your ex with heels on on a soapy floor. I still love that line, but sometimes I just can't take it serioiusly.

The three part round at the end reminds me of a Gregorian chant in their shared mysterious beauty and the way they both can haunt you.

I've been playing this song almost non-stop for the past 72 hours, and I can't get sick of it. "The Chain" is so mesmerizing, I can't let go.

i saw her play... she explained that the soapy heels part was just saying so he had a better means of transportation. weird, huh? that's ingrid for ya ;)

I thought the soapy heels meant that she let them go, as if "if you love someone let them go". To me it meant, that she gave him the soap he needed to glide away, making the leaving part strange as that sounds. lol

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