Lyric discussion by jinxrave 

Cover art for Sober lyrics by Pink

god i can so relate to this song

I don't think it's really about love at all. I mean, of course a song is going to speak to each person differently, but I think the line "How do I feel this good sober?" isn't saying... How do I feel this good right now? I'm sober!

I think the last bit explains that line. It's more of a "How am I going to feel this good when I'm sober?"

Like... She knows that this isn't how she wants to go on, but she can't figure out how she's going to ever feel that good again...

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Wow...A lot of people have commented on this song.

This song's meaning to me is more on the lines of finding ones self.

Like in the beginning of the song, pink is laying in the bed with white lingerie on and you see herself in that same white lingerie walking out the door. That (to me) symobolizes her good side being lost in things such as drugs and alcohol. Then you see nothing but pink in black. That symbolizes (once again) to me, pink being lost in the darkness of herself. And she's constantly looking for herself(the white lingeried pink) ergo:...

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Its about her growing up n getting over the party. Coming terms with the fact that u cant always party! She is growing as a person not just as a artist..

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