Lyric discussion by Phx4stringer 

Which is better? "Poor me, I'm a millionaire rock star, and the people and the paparazzi won't leave me alone to spend my millions in peace"?

Or is it, "Poor me, I'm a working stiff struggling to get by, just like the rest of you (suckers who are buying my records and concert tickets as fast as they can be made -- despite the fact they are overpriced and you losers can't afford them -- because I manipulate your emotions by pretending to relate to you)"? Tough call. At least, the first choice is honest.

Actually, I think, more than whining about being a "poor pock star," I agree with astatusquorxiler's take on the lyrics. It's almost like an apology, "Sorry folks, I don't handle it well. I don't mean to blow off you guys (my fans), but it's just who I am. I'm not much of a people person."

I love Rush...but this is probably my least favorite song of theirs. (At least, of the ones that have been done-to-death on the radio.) I really don't get the appeal. They have so much great stuff that never gets any airplay. I do agree that this is a very pop tune-style song. At least, as close to a pop tune as Rush ever gets.

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