Lyric discussion by maskie 

I think it has something to do with war.

"All the brave young men" would be the only ones in war, not women. I don't think he's speaking about Jews entering the gas chamber, I think it's more abstract than that, and also there would be women and children entering the gas chamber.

Maybe breaking into the prision (during the Vietnam War) means not going to war and facing prison if refusing to go when drafted. There would be other draft dodgers in prison and that might be finding his "place in the chain."

I really don't think that has anything to do with jews. The only thing that suggests that, is the word “furnace”. That in my opinion is a metaphor to death or execution… But is not an execution, that comes with no cause. As in almost Cohen songs religion is present In this, I think it’s the catholic: this is a man confessing his sins before dying: “I fought in the old revolution /on the side of the ghost and the King” and “to all of my architects let me be traitor. Now let me say I myself gave the...

Where is written : ” And if you see, he is not complaining (that would be expected of a person that is going to be executed with reason, for example a jew that is going to be killed by the nazis) Should be: ” And if you see, he is not complaining (that would be expected of a person that is going to be executed with NO reason, for example a jew that is going to be killed by the nazis)

An error occured.