Lyric discussion by anemicroyalty615 

I think the person in the song was hurt once and is still hurt, (ie mine is forever) but she seems to be trying to protect herself against being hurt again by pretending she doesn't care, (ie take everything, i want you to) Nirvana is my favorite band, but this is a Hole song so STOP talking about how Courtney is "a murdering bitch," because she's not and that has nothing to do with the song. :)

I really like your interpretation. I first heard Violet when I was in school, and felt it expressed my feelings of having been bullied, and never doing good enough according to my teachers. Not grades but I have Asperger's Syndrome, and they said I should be more social. I felt like, "Social with who? The students who buly me?" I can really relate to trying to protect myself from pain, by pretending I didn't care. It seemed everyone wanted everything from me, and I felt like Courtney when she yells take everything. Take my time, my sanity, my health just...

@anemicroyalty615 Kurt committed suicide. Period. He had a bad heroin problem, was deeply depressed & married Courtney who was materialistic- Kurt hated that. Kurt always had negative self image issues and health problems. As a person who has gone through opiate addiction, withdrawls, PAWS, depression/hopelessness I totally understand why Kurt would chose to end his life.

@violet_yoshi I can relate. I'm sorry people are so ignorant and pushed you to be something you are not for their own comfort. Keep being you I am also struggling with depression.

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