Lyric discussion by fireToSteel0423 

Great song, from my favorite Kutless album so far (as of 2008). I'm not really sure what, if anything, is being implied by the first three lines. Lines 5 to 7 talk about how people are enhanced to "perfection" in the media in various ways, making the images that we see of them fake. We think we should be as "perfect" as these images we see. I thought that the first few lines of the chorus were telling us not to go to great lengths to be like the images we see, such as undergoing plastic surgery ("put the knife away..."), but the other interpretation makes sense to me too. Then, of course, the rest of the chorus is saying that we should stop comparing ourselves to those "counterfeit images" and wanting to be like them. It ends by telling us to think about other things besides what we look like on the outside. "Don't give...self" seems to be saying that we should have minds of our own rather than just doing what the world tells us to do all the time.

I'm thinking hiding behind a "digital mask" refers to an online avatar, possibly. People often pretend to be someone they're not (mentioned line four) by taking advantage of online anonymity.

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