Lyric discussion by StickityWicket 

i came here looking for the word that Nick's tears spell out, but there weren't even any Boys Next Door songs, much less lyrics - nor anywhere else that i could find - so i thought i'd post what i could decipher. Since no lyrics exist, i imagine no one has looked for them, so i doubt i'll get any response to what the word (or words might be) - but if someone knows them, please comment and i will make the necessary corrections.

That being said - this is perhaps my favorite of the Boys Next Door tunes, at least off of Door, Door anyway. I said Nick above, though i imagine this could be a Roland S. Howard song - i'd believe either wrote it - though it seems more likely to me Nick Cave penned this for some reason.

The phrase after a fashion means not quite, almost, or not well. In this sense i guess Nick (or Roland) is saying this girl is not really the answer, then again, he's not really the question - so maybe that makes them both right. This definition doesn't jive as well with the opening line - almost is the mood that takes him? Maybe the phrase has another meaning. Perhaps the word i can't decipher has some sway in this matter.

The thin boy in dark clothes falling over pianos sounds like Nick as well. He appears clumsy, as if the girl makes him nervous, though he attempts to play it off. Whether his literally falling over this piano, or just trying to play a song and his nerves are causing his playing to be fumbled is up for grabs i think.

I've written to much as usual. And i imagine no one will read this anytime soon.

Anyway, hope you got some answers to a song you may enjoy.

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