Lyric discussion by colbygb12 

This song is so beautiful, yet so underrated. Expiermental Jet Set as a whole is incredibly underrated. Most people seem to put Goo, Daydream Nation and Dirty well before Jet Set. It deserves far more recognition.

I think that this song is, quite simply, a love song. This album was released pretty close to the time when Kim and Thruston had their kid, so, I honestly think that Kim probably wrote the lyrics for Thurston.

Regardless, the lyrics aren't what make this song so great. It's simply the sound, the harmony of it, and Kim's voice, all rolled into one. I swear, everytime it gets to that second chorus, that second WHOOO, I'm about a second away from bursting out into tears. Then, after that, the song starts to 'come down', as it were. That entire, "look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a...", where it gets quieter, and quieter, until it's a whisper, and just ends. It evokes feelings of a buildup, climax, then contentment. The perfect song, in my mind. Not only that, but it's beautiful.

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