Lyric discussion by arrstar 

It's about REVOLUTION! I love it! And I think it's about revolution in the direct aftermath of revolution

"And it's true we named our children After towns that we've never been to And it's true that the clouds just hung around Like black Cadillacs outside a funeral"

-Church/state/teachers/police had conformed us to the point that we don't even think about it anymore.

"And we were done, done, done With all the fuck, fuck, fucking around"

-That's it. We were tired of this shit. Everybody got their guns.

"You were so true to yourself You were true to no one else Well, I should put you in the ground"

-President/King/Religious leader/Police chief: You were so vile and so untruthful to us and now we have to do what's best for us, not you.

"I've got the time I got the hours I got the days I got the weeks I could say to myself I've got the words but I can't speak"

-You can win your battles, but sooner or later, this is gonna happen and we're gonna be calling the shots.

"Well I was done, done, done With all the circ, circ, circling around"

-(See first few lines)

"I didn't die and I ain't complaining, I ain't blaming you"

-I was willing to die for my cause, but that's cool. We're gonna be more powerful than you in the long run anyway.

"I didn't know that the words you said to me Meant more to me than they ever could you"

-Those lies you told to me are the reason I've put you in this predicament.

"I didn't lie and I ain't saying I told the whole truth I didn't know that this game we were playing Even had a set of rules"

-I've propagandized everybody in our rebellion.

"We named our children after towns That we've never been to And it's true that the clouds just hung around Like black Cadillacs outside a funeral"

-(See first few lines)

"And we were laughing at the stars While our feet clung tight to the ground"

-For the first time, we scoffed at authority...

"So pleased with ourselves for using so many verbs and nouns But we were all still just dumb, dumb, dumber Than the dirt, dirt, dirt on the ground"

-...even though our minds were infiltrated with what they told us.

"Well, wings on flames"

-God's on our side.

"Kings with no names Well, this place just ain't got air right now"

-We're gonna have to deal with anarchy for just a little while, and then a crudely designed government, but it'll all be good soon.

"You were so all over town but still Crayola brown Well, you should run around yourself right now And we were done, done, done With all the fuck, fuck, fucking around, circling around"

-We dragged you (either dead or humiliated) through the streets in this city (Crayola brown = mud?). We told you we were done fucking around earlier. Now you understand we mean it.

What in the hell are you smoking?

The finest suburban local hash my good man. Don't hate!

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