Lyric discussion by chainmefreemt 

This song was written by Caleb and was titled Leaving Home, for his old acoustic band with Austin called Been Bradely. You can hear it on their Myspace It's about how he's finally got some alone time to think to himself, but everyone's still bothering him and calling him. He's just so stressed out because he's putting so much of himself into trying to make it in music. He's losing sleep, staying up late at night wondering if he has what it takes. He just says to himself that it must be part of growing up, and even though things are bad he has this feeling in his gut that everything's going to change for the better soon. His mom actually really does hate what he's doing with his life, and he feels horrible because he's still going on with it, trying to live out his dream. Again he's just laying in his room face down on the pillow feeling the weight of it all, wondering what the hell he's going to do. He's hoping that he can make it, without changing who he is, but that he might have to before it's to late, before he's to old or grown up to much. It's just a really deep and personal song. There's more to Caleb than meets the eye obviously. I can relate to this so so so much. I have my dream of making it in music as well, my mom hates that it's what I want but I keep moving forward with it..or try to. I always stay up late at night wondering if I'm going to be a failure. I feel like I'm getting older and losing my chance. Anyway, just an incredible song, you can tell it comes from his heart.

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