Lyric discussion by bigfarm 

Cover art for One lyrics by Metallica

I'm much more of a classic rock guy--probably a total wimp to any real metal head.

But, hey, what can I say about this song?

Its lyrics and meaning are absolutely profound and can be atken literally reflecting the "johnny" book or taken figuratively as others have mentioned. I really relate as I'm finally coming out of a 3 year depression.

And the music!!! The intonation, etc of the lead singer (see, I don't even know his name) is emotional and you really feel pain when you here it.

The way it goes form the sing song calm beat of a depressed guy plodding thru glum thoughts to the total frustration, rage, etc in the remainderis uncanny. This lead MUST have personal experience with mental illness, or he's just an incredibly insightful genius!

The dual guitar solo thing is just incredible thought the song does tend to sound at the end like they couldn't figure out where to cut it off, but hey no one is perfect.

It is always nice to know what each song is actually about or based on, but I think all lyrics are open to personal interpretation. You relate to the song as you're coming out of a 3-year depression, while others may relate to it as they are battling addiction, and others have war stories to tell, too. It's so interesting to hear how everybody interprets and relates to a song and see that there are other people with similar (or even different and unique) thoughts, stories, or experiences.

I hope things are still well with you 4 years later!