Lyric discussion by 3lancer 

This song is the tunnel with no light at the end, and Thom hates it when he looks into the crowd at concerts and sees people singing along with smiles on their faces, but to me, that's not the way that things should be.

Cause every person in that room knows the song is true. It's inescapable; sometimes life just throws things in your way that you can't get round, sometimes things just don't work out and everything gets completely lost, and sometimes people give up on all hope entirely, and that danger, that fear is always there and always will be.

But despite how hopeless and pointless all that seems, if you can stand in a crowd of a thousand people that all know it's true, doesn't that make you feel a whole lot better, knowing that you're part of this battle and you're not alone? Knowing that you've got something in common with all these people, doesn't that just turn a couple of the tears you're crying into hopeful ones? I know it did for me.

It's sad, but when he says there's no saving grace, no redemption in it, he's wrong, because there's redemption in all music. If you can relate, then you're not on your own, and I think that matters a hell of a lot.

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