Lyric discussion by Northern Lights 

Thios song is about what it means to be a Christ Figure, giving up your life for someone else. Similar to what Paul says about love in 1st Corinthians, I believe all of us can live with passion and conviction in our lives, but if we stray from our first love and what we are called to be, we are nothing. Hence, true love would compel us to step out of nothingness and die for a higher cause, a living truth that binds all of us together in fellowship. If you think this is too Spiritual, realize that it is a Christian song, though Anberlin is technically not a Christian band. You can't give up your life for yourself, that is impossible. Yet it cannot be foreshadowed other than foretold to be true that in all casses of essence in what is meant to be that in dying we are born to eternal life. Always the opposite is lived to achieve the greater.

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