Lyric discussion by lukehoskinismyhero 

Cover art for Spoils lyrics by Protest the Hero

shit my words are all jumbled in the last. here, its proofread now

in thinking that this, as a plateful of our dead, sums up the previous songs (this song ends conquest and capture {bloodmeat-limb from limb}), this would be an overview of humanity in general. when "god" brought us upon the earth, he made us different from everything else. he gave us a brain bigger and more different than all other animals', obviously to make up for our lack in strength or ability to survive without intelligence. proud of this ability, humans obviously thought we reign superior to all other animals. since our intelligence is so great, we must need a way to communicate ourselves, so we created language. by using "betray" i think arif is saying that this was our mistake. we create these words, but with these words we diminish our communication. no matter how we say these words, they will not come close to the emotional expression and communication that flows through music. like all the future ghosts who scratch their names in wet cement--- if you ever see names scratched in wet cement, you would never take notice of it, it would never be a big deal right? therefore language should be the ghost that carves its name in wet cement. language should be the lesser communication whereas music should be greater. obviously demeaning meaning will mean we created language in failure, while we had music first as better means of communication. defleshing the word would mean to take less importance of what people say, and more in what they do, in the music they produce. since music is the ultimate expression, we will see people as they really are. life will be clear, no one can lie through music, only through words.