Lyric discussion by krispychic69 

“And they carried on like long division.. for a solution that would play without a remain”

I think collectively, the couple attempts long division, a prolongation of the relationship because both don’t want it to end. They want to find a solution where there isn’t a remainder, where both can walk away from the relationship whole, neither incomplete and broken. And till they find that solution they keep struggling along with the relationship.

Through this struggle, the partner is distracted by “open doors”, other possibilities, perhaps with other women. However, he had sworn he’d be faithful this time, because he didn’t want to end up being a remainder, incomplete and broken like before. And sadly, he goes along with the temptation in the end, and she leaves.

I think the whole song is about two lovers trying to salvage something which once worked, but now isn’t, because neither wants to be hurt.

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