Lyric discussion by Me2 

theres a lot of biblical symbolism in this song..first the white ladder is the tree of life..found in the bible or jacobs ladder..its spiritual..and the ladder is found on the mountaintop of God..the ladder has twelve rungs. each denoting a different aspect of self. each teaches contrast of truth found in life....water (jesus) and wine(Holy Spirit). mankind lives in the night. another body, another name, another valentine and last the burning flame...thats the body dening the loves the world has formerly to offer the new spirit while traveling up the ladder..really its the spirit passing through the flaming sword found when going back into "paradise"...most of davids songs are littered with these symbols.. another thought on the white ladder..try thinking of the "shaft of light" that traveled out of the jewish tabernacle into heaven.. when you think of the burning flame..well your spirit is inside of it. wether your in pain or your a part of the flame. (climbing "up" the flame). all christians fight this battle of spirit versus flesh..this is daves statement..kinda like "babylon"

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