Lyric discussion by Hawkeye2008 

Ok, one last note on the song. I believe that scarecrow is "the man" - meaning the suits in the business world involved with art and music.

A big part of this song is his refusal to capitulate his art or distill it in any way (even though he had already done this with Bluejeans - and probably regretted it).

The crow as mentioned above can represent any number of things, but I definitely think it symbolizes his art and is a kind of muse/energy for purposes of this song. "Crow pants the scarecrow" .. it's like "fuck you, I'm the artist, I'm calling the shots. The "boss and toss" line probably has to do with being lied to/mistreated by certain industry types.

"Don't shake my hand" is a great line. Again, he's saying F - you, suits! You want to talk to me, or connect with me in any way - do it as an actual person who can appreciate art and not just see dollars ... give me your claw!

Damn, I've written a lot about this song. Well .. I was inspired. I've loved it for a while and only recently started digging into the lyrics. Glad I put this out there - all other thoughts and viewpoints on this one are welcome ..

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