Lyric discussion by Spiked-Striped 

The lyrics posted aren't entirely correct, but anyway:

I agree with the idea of the most simple interpretation-the woman is about to get married and has a moment of weakness, but the man is delusional because all his previous relationships have failed or been meaningless anyway. The idea of being "on the way to the wedding, dressed in black" is the union of love and death, and also i think represents how to this woman this is her burying all her past indiscretions and so on, and telling him to keep his eyes "on the road" indicates he's trying to stop the wedding, by driving her down another path with him which she doesn't really want, which also explains the offer "...till one of us dies" as in wedding vows, which she rejects.

the video is, i think, very good but not representative of the lyrics particularly.


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