Lyric discussion by ccbubblegum 

Cover art for Watch T.V. lyrics by Rasputina

I get the image of the narrator/watcher having lost touch with someone and thinking about time they used to spend together. Her watching TV serves as the setting during which the song takes place, so her contemplations are expressed in TV-oriented language and metaphors for artistic effect!

Also, because all the songs on the album "How We Quit The Forest" kinda run together for me, I imagine this being told from the point of view of the sister in "Trenchmouth," recalling times spent watching TV with her now-missing brother, haha. Before that, I thought of the narrator speaking of an ex-boyfriend specifically.

Either way, I never picture the narrator -literally- missing a TV show or movie star or any such thing, but rather, using the TV watching as a vehicle for thinking about an acquaintance.