Lyric discussion by globe traveler 

"I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky" refers to a time when him several of his friends (including his x-wife who is still alive) went up to the Colorado mountains to watch a meteor shower. He said that they were some where around 10,500 ft elevation with the tree line right below them. The x-wife said that it was an amazing meteor shower that you must one day experience from way up in the mountains.

I also experienced this life the last 5 years living in California, near mountains. I recently made the biggest mistake of my life taking a job promotion. They moved me to NYC. These people who were born and raised here have no freakin idea what they are missing. And by the way, this is the dirtiest city I have ever encountered. To include trips to Mexico! I have lived all over the country and several countries. You have no idea if you have lived in the city your whole life. Just my 02. cents.

@globe traveler That move to NYC is one of those simple, incomprehensible things, so our hearts still know some fear

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