Lyric discussion by poweroutage 

Lol, when someone said about doing drugs it made me think of Belladonna (deadly nightshade). When you ingest it in the right quantity, it produces some fairly trippy effects. I'm sure it's not the original intention of the song, but the whole thing sounds like a Belladonna trip. First we hear him tramping through woodland (where he found the Belladonna?) and he says 'birds come, then they go'. This is pretty interesting as one of the things that is common at the start of a belladonna trip is that things pop in and out of existence. It's as if once you stop paying attention to something, it will just disappear. And if you want to talk someone, hey presto! A person will be conjured for your amusement.

Then it like just before the real stuff begins, he has a bit of a moment of reflection about his life and how he finally is letting go, then as he sings 'my mind' he starts really feeling it until you're left with that wicked synth when he's tripping his balls off if you'll pardon my french :)

Like I said, probably not the original meaning of the song, but it works well and it made me laugh :D

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