Lyric discussion by DiabolicalLoser 

i haven't read any of the other comments so sorry if i repeat anything

"One hand on this wily comet, Take a drink just to give me some weight, Some uber-man I'd make, I'm barely a vapor"

this is a sum up of his life, he has something going (the comet) but that doesn't give him any more value. he takes the drink to make himself feel better. i think in this situation the comet is the band

"They shone a chlorine light on, A host of individual sins, Let's carve my aging face off, Fetch us a knife, Start with my eyes, Down so the lines, Form a grimacing smile,"

i thought of the joker when i first read this, he isn't really happy at all so someone will carve it into his face because he's never really happy. and maybe the light part is about how he sees everything he's done wrong and this is the only way he'll smile. i nkow there's deeper meaning i just haven't quite figured it out. now i'm going to be up all night thinking about it......

"Close your eyes to corral a virtue, Is this fooling anyone else? Never worked so long and hard, To cement a failure,"

i think this is pretty self explanatory aqnd a really powerful line as well

"We can blow on our thumbs and posture, But the lonely is such delicate things, The wind from a wasp could blow them, Into the sea, With stones on their feet, Lost to the light and the loving we need," so you know how in the old cartoons th character could just blow on his thumb and be completely better? well i think that's what he's referring to, except the people who are doing that are very fragile afterward, barely holding on. i think he is talking about depressed people. say one wrong thing and they might commit suicide.

"Still to come, The worst part and you know it, There is a numbness, In your heart and it's growing,"

i love this because i have been depressed and i have also felt completely numb and i would honestly rather feel everything than nothing

"With burnt sage and a forest of bygones, I click my heels, Get the devils in line, A list of things I could lay the blame on, Might give me a way out,"

clicks his heels to go home and each bad thing he did was when he felt most at home. and the last two lines are self explanatory

"But with each turn, It's this front and center, Like a dart stuck square in your eye, Every post you can hitch your faith on, Is a pie in the sky, Chock full of lies, A tool we devise, To make sinking stones fly,"

i haven't fully comprehended this part, but i think the pie part is talking about demons dressing as angels. so many of us do that!

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