Lyric discussion by reds21 

it's simply about a man who relies on women for a feeling of normalcy, and uses them for sex. Gorgeous imagery, especially "and just push and pull ourselves untill we're deep inside a sleep." That line is the most alluring of all the lines on the album.
He is clearly using these women, however, for inspite everything he loves about them and the sex he has with them, he always feels the urge to leave after he's used them.

And when I wake just as their eyes are crying, I see that bed and I just want to climb back in.

is the perfect example of this. The only thing stopping him from climbing back into the bed is himself and this need to flee. The last lines offer hope to the man's situation, because this time he decides to stay and "try again," either sexually or on some emotional level, but the very fact he decides to stay at all shows growth in his character throughout the song.

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