Lyric discussion by drewen 

This song is about a man who is about to marry, but for some reason cannot. He tries to find someone else for him and travels long and hard, finally finding someone. She, however, does not feel the same and reply with the euphemism that she is only a map. Seeing life through the new eyes of this insult, the man is approached by a girl who has traveled long and hard to find him, like he had before. When asked to wed, he replies in the same fashion as the first woman, thus continuing a cycle.

I'd like to supplement this by furthering the extent of that euphemism. By saying that she is his map and not his lover, she's explaining to him that she is only an experience to be used to find someone he can really love. As he is approached by someone who is convinced they love him, he is suddenly horrified to find that he understands now, and has to explain to this woman that he's not the one for her.

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