Lyric discussion by a scar in the sky 

"Young people tend to romanticize the traveling lifestyle. This song is written from the perspective of a young man who had believed that the only way to find himself was to go out on the road. Out there he picked up a female hitch hiker and fell in love with her. It was the first time he ever fell in love. She was not in love with him, but liked him. She didn't like him so much as a person, but as a ride. She tapped into his romanticization of the road and used it to her advantage, knowing she could get farther from him the longer he felt that he was on the most important trip of his life. Then he realizes that he's not going to get anymore out of this trip than he has already gotten (he thinks he's gotten true love) and starts talking about heading home. This song takes place right before his heart is broken."

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