Lyric discussion by repentant rebel 

Cover art for A Hazy Shade of Winter lyrics by Simon and Garfunkel

First Verse: My life is ending now, and looking back, I realize that I missed out on things I should have done because I was seeking perfect, fool-proof, failure free, guaranteed opportunities.

Verse 2: Think carefully about the goals you choose to strive for. When you hold your cup out to collect from the world, are your goals only self-serving? Because you would have a more meaningful ride through life if the things you did served to benefit humanity.

Verse 3: And in striving to serve humanity and better the world in some way, don't Give Up! If things go wrong or seem hopeless, start over even if you just have to pretend that you believe you can succeed in your goals. Start anew and recapture your sense of possibility.

4th verse: Please learn from my experience that your time will go by and you won't even notice as it's going until it's gone. So think about the things that I've said and please let this advice be the lasting mark I've made on humanity, because I am old and my time and ability to contribute to life in other meaningful ways is over.

spot on with the meaning.

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