Lyric discussion by jellybellyellie 

Cover art for I'm Not Angry lyrics by Elvis Costello

i think this guy and girl are into eachother and the girl is trying to get a rise out of him by being with other guys. but he doens't wnat to give her that satisfaction by being jealous (even though he is) and might be implying that he has done the same to her because he says "there is not such thing as original sin"--like he did it first.

I take the line "there's no such thing as an original sin" to be a classic case of context changing the meaning of a word. Normally, the term "original sin" refers to a specific, ancient sin from which all others arise. Here, it really just sounds like Elvis is using "original" in the more commonly used sense.

Essentially, he's being deeply sarcastic. She's following in the footsteps of human beings everywhere and he's deploring her lack of "originality". I suppose the narrator is pretty frustrated with the predictability of people.

So there's...

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@karmakgb Good point about the use of "original sin". He sings "an original sin", whereas in the biblical use it is just original sin, no article before it. Although if he is deploring her lack of originality with her "sin", he must either be self righteous about not sinning or else be throwing himself in the pool of deplorable for not being able to pull off an original sin, since there is no such thing as one (according to him). Maybe he's admitting that he has done the same "sin" to her, so what she did is not original to...